Romans 11:36

"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.
To Him be the glory forever! Amen."

Feb 19, 2009

Tico work habits

Today I heard one of the funniest comments yet from a Tico (well, actually he's Nicaraguan, but he's lived in CR for quite a while, so work with me here).

Anyways, I was talking to Jose, the caretaker at our orphanage, and he said, "Will, do you know the difference between Americans and Ticos when they do construction work?

Before Americans build a house, they think, 'Well, we'll need to put a tube here, so we better build this wall here, and put this notch here, etc.'

The Ticos just go ahead and build a wall, then think, 'Uh oh, we need a tube here.' Then they proceed to tear down the wall, put down the tube, and rebuild the wall worse than it was before."

I just laughed, because it's so true.

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