Romans 11:36

"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.
To Him be the glory forever! Amen."

Nov 21, 2009

A Costa Rican Birthday

This is a rather dated post, but one month ago, on October 22nd, I turned 24. Each birthday I reach makes me feel like I'm a lot older, but the truth is that I'm still just a kid.

Anyways, this particular birthday left me showered with indelible love. The actual celebration day was a Thursday, but the party started Wednesday night when I got to go to a late-night movie with a friend.

Thursday I woke up to text messages and phone calls and emails all wishing me a happy birthday. Then I went to the Colegio and was blessed with 4 different singing renditions of happy birthday, along with a cake and drinks during Bible Study. That night, I attended a birthday celebration at a local pastor's house, with his entire family as the guests. His wife made a delicious lasagna dish, and then busted out the ginormous cake that you see above. The funniest part about it, the 2 typos in fine white icing: "Filez Cumpleanos Wuilli" I couldn't have been happier.

Before partaking in that particular cake, however, the family followed the customary tradition of lighting candles, turning off the lights, and singing happy birthday. Yet, when they saw that no one took pictures as I blew out the candles, they said, "Looks like we have to do it again!" And they resumed to lighting the candles, turning off the lights, and singing happy birthday all over again. So I felt extra special.

On Friday, I couldn't walk through the halls of the Colegio without having students hug me or sing to me, sorry that they missed my birthday the day before. That night I went to the house of some good friends of mine and had another wonderful birthday dinner and celebration, complete with the pumpkin cheesecake birthday cake that you see below . . .

It was a rather fun birthday.

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